August 05, 2018 3 min read 0 Comments

True story: starting a business is hard. True-r story: keeping one going is a whole lot harder.

The past 2 years of running this little shop have taught me more than I could have ever learned in another job. I've learned branding, buying, photography, marketing, IT, copywriting, finance, graphic design...just to name a few. Running Rollick has basically been a huge experiment, and the biggest game ever of learning by trial and error. I didn't totally know where this business would be going when I started it (still don't!), but I hoped I would figure it out along the way.

When I was first envisioning who my customers would be for Rollick, I imagined gals that were living the city life, catching happy hours on the regular, maybe going to some festivals here and there, traveling often, and really just living that vibrant, carefree life. While some of that still may hold true (because, wine....always), I have learned a ton about who YOU are and what's truly important to you, both in life and in your wardrobe.

  • You might be working your butt off at your job, girl-bossin' it daily, and striving for passion and purpose in your career (along with bringin' home those dollar bills...because #equalpay). You need to be taken seriously, but there's a good chance that that doesn't require a fancy blouse and pencil skirt in today's casual office world.
  • You might be on-the-cusp-of, or already-workin'-on bringing a new human into this world; likely the most important job you'll ever take on. Everything in your life is about to change, and thousands of decisions are coming your way, yet figuring out what to wear in the morning shouldn't be the one of the harder ones.
  • You might already have some little humans running around, and thinking about anything other than keeping them alive has become an afterthought. Affordable, comfortable, and easy are now the words that describe what your clothes must be, but even so, you're totally a "cool" mom, and wearing your partner's 10-year-old sweatpants isn't really what you're hoping for 😉

Regardless of if any of this rings true for you, there's a great chance that you're working hard to balance all the aspects of your crazy-busy life, and OMG, can I just say it?...IT'S FREAKING HARD! Especially in today's overly-social world where all we see is the highlight reel from each other's lives.

That brings me back to this little shop. For a while there, I think I kind of lost you. I thought it was important to be up to date on what was #trending, what the influencers were wearing, what the vendors were telling me would sell, and I lost sight of who YOU were, and what was most important in your life.

Well, girl...I'm back, and am 100% here for YOU. I have taken a step back to refocus on our customers, and to get back to the goal of this shop; making you feel like your most badass and unapologetically-you self.

You may start to see a slightly different style aesthetic rolling around these parts, and hopefully you'll see items that integrate perfectly into whatever phase in your life you're in (including even some maternity and nursing-friendly options).

All this is to say that we ain't going anywhere! (My grammar, on the other hand...) I have learned SO much through this business, but at the end of the day, it's not about me one's about you. Please, oh please, give us a holler if there is ever anything you want to see in this shop, anything you absolutely hate, or even if you just want to tell me that my jokes suck. Much like everything in life, this business is all about learning, growing, testing, tweaking, shifting, and drinking....Iiiii mean dreaming 😉.

From the bottom of my extremely-wordy heart, thank you for sticking along on this "journey" with me (been watching too much Bachelorette...). I can't wait for you to see what's to come!

